Rick lifted the console and pawed through a disorderly pile of tapes and CD's.
Many boxes of rations had been cut open--emptied of their contents--and the cartons stacked in a disorderly pile along the wall near the door.
Pug's thinking began to pick up a little as Carline looked about the room, taking stock of the disorderly pile of books and scrolls next to the pallet.
In the dining room corner fur jackets, battery belts, boots, carabines heaved in a disorderly pile.
She stared upward at the dark hole in the ceiling from which an enormous mass of rock had fallen into a disorderly pile below.
Quinn started gathering her papers into a single, disorderly pile as Bertie dragged a stool over to the pool table and sat down across from her.
A dark figure was making his way slowly across the huge, disorderly pile of scrap.
The security men were landing in a disorderly pile.
Vadász scooped the disorderly pile of greens into a bowl.
He indicated a spot on the table next to his chair, amid the disorderly piles of folders and papers.