Because of the disorganized nature of the deployment, it took weeks to establish the exact death toll and identify the bodies.
Computers have to rely on a rigorous system of logic, while human writers try to turn their disorganized natures to advantage.
Because of the relatively weak and disorganized nature of the storm, impact throughout its path was widespread, but not particularly severe.
The disorganized nature of the event allows it to largely escape clampdown by authorities who may view the rides as forms of parades or organized protest.
Clement begins the fourth book with a belated explanation of the disorganized nature of the work, and gives a brief description of his aims for the remaining three or four books.
This confusion may be due to the disorganized nature of the new league, with its sprawling roster of teams.
The introduction of the book required an index to guide readers which illustrates the somewhat disorganized nature of his work.
He knew Tuvok's thoughts, sensed their disorganized and fragmented nature, and strained with the force of his own discipline to impose structure and rigidity upon his young charge's mind.
The disorganized nature of the British retreat demonstrated a loss of effective command.
Damage in Florida was minimal due to the disorganized nature of the hurricane.