"It would be wise for you to consider all your actions in a more dispassionate manner to avoid saying anything which you might later regret."
How could the authorities treat children in this heartless and dispassionate manner?
This office will continue to pursue its duties in a fair and dispassionate manner.
This was one instance where Edberg's dispassionate manner worked in his favor.
They might well feel that you wouldn't be able to handle the situation in a dispassionate manner.
"No, Captain, but as we have seen before, when it comes to the Borg, you are not able to make decisions in a dispassionate manner."
Criticism must generally be expressed in a temperate and dispassionate manner.
Did he have the brains to view the transaction in a wise and dispassionate manner?
The little man seemed already to have considered that point of view in his dispassionate self-confident manner.
From Belfast, he has a fascination with machines, and tends to view the world in a cool, dispassionate manner.