Diamond also has relatively high optical dispersion (ability to disperse light of different colors), which results in its characteristic luster.
Bill Kovach, the curator of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism and a former editor of The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, and Tom Rosenstiel, the director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism, use the Lewinsky scandal as a prism to disperse light on the American press.
They bend and break up light in much the way prisms disperse white light into a rainbow of colors.
The generalization of reflectance to a diffraction grating, which disperses light by wavelength, is called diffraction efficiency.
The horizontal line image is then projected onto a diffraction grating, which is a very finely etched reflecting surface that disperses light into its spectra.
Several authors have proposed dispersing light before it reaches the Earth by putting a very large lens in space, perhaps at the L1 point between the Earth and the Sun.
True silver screens, however, provide narrower horizontal/vertical viewing angles compared to their more modern counterparts because of their inability to completely disperse light.
Prisms will generally disperse light over a much larger frequency bandwidth than diffraction gratings, making them useful for broad-spectrum spectroscopy.
A polychromator is an optical device that is used to disperse light into different directions to isolate parts of the spectrum of the light.
In the particular version of the experiment shown here, Hoek used a prism P to disperse light from a slit into a spectrum which passed through a collimator C before entering the apparatus.