The two types have different dispersion characteristics and thus different effective propagation distance.
ISO-8780 Methods of dispersion for assessment of dispersion characteristics.
The dispersion characteristics for intermediate depth are given below.
Cone tweeters have a narrower dispersion characteristic that is the same as a cone woofer's.
Diffractive optical elements have complementary dispersion characteristics to that of optical glasses and plastics.
The linear dispersion characteristics of the Camassa-Holm equation are:
The top angle of the prism (the upper corner in the accompanying picture) can be chosen to influence the exact dispersion characteristics.
The mine has six pop-out fins which slow its descent and improve the dispersion characteristics.
Because the designated metamaterials can handle the appropriate power levels, have strong dispersion characteristics, and are tunable in the microwave range these show potential to be desirable phase shifters.
The latter has been successfully used for reaction monitoring and determing dispersion characteristics of a microreactor.