As soon as the first two died, the others seemed able to anticipate the dispersion pattern and moved out of blast range.
The diffraction horn has been popular in monitor designs and for near-field public address applications which benefit from its wide horizontal dispersion pattern.
Interference pattern is the term applied to the dispersion pattern of a line array.
I'll have to send some through in a dispersion pattern.
He had the dispersion pattern set for medium coverage, and he tracked his fire across the entire width of the shaft.
Normal dispersion pattern of the M576 will put 13 of 20 pellets in a 1.5 meter circle at 40 meters.
These strategies are to a degree autonomous from the dispersion patterns within which they arise and may radiate in a number of directions.
A loudspeaker with a high degree of directivity (narrow dispersion pattern) can be said to have a high Q.
The larval dispersion patterns of C. megacephala also make it a forensically important fly.
Sexual dimorphism causes resource competition as a result of "niche breadth and dispersion pattern".