For hundreds of runners, the New York Marathon on Sunday will bring the same dispiriting experience.
For Everton, this was a dispiriting experience.
A middle-aged couple came along and as we stood chatting about what a dispiriting experience this was, a miraculous thing happened.
Her intention there had been to shop for her upcoming travels, but this had proven a dispiriting experience.
In any event, the actual dispiriting experience of the "Resolutions" project does not make a good case for the theory's practical viability.
It was a depressing and dispiriting experience, exactly as life itself has been for the young unemployed, day in and day out.
Surely the most dispiriting experience of my professional life.
With multiplayer, playing on the public servers can be a pretty bewildering and dispiriting experience.
"To be a tonal composer in the 60's and 70's was a deeply dispiriting experience," he said.
I always find looking up at my shelves, at the books that have drained so many of my waking hours, to be a dispiriting experience.