Nearby, the shop manager hovered over a display counter where gold bars were arrayed like metal pats of butter.
As near as he could tell, it was the worst rubbish on sale here at this enormous display counter.
I thought to myself that if there is a duty-free electronics store at the gates of hell, this is what the display counter looks like.
Liquorices, guimauves (similar to marshmallows) and dark chocolate tablets soon joined more traditional preparations on the display counter.
I peered around the display counter's end.
Against the far wall stood an old, well-used display counter behind which worked the white-coated pharmacist.
R. Daneel jumped down from the display counter and said, "I will now walk to the door.
Behind the shop's clear glass storefront sits a long display counter filled with sculptured confections.
They muscled in on a display counter.
"Ian, maybe you shouldn't be sticking your nose against the glass like that," I muttered as he leaned into the display counters on the first floor.