After his return as the 49ers' starting quarterback, Smith displayed signs of progress, despite the team's 3-4 record in his first seven starts.
It displays Dorsey's focus on the swing jazz big band style, despite the growing popularity of bop at the time.
Keldar noted the signs of rebellion Talia displayed despite her obvious effort to hide them.
It was, however, the players, who displayed remarkable composure despite their repeatedly missing chances.
"It's like she was in a time warp," said Navratilova about the form the winner displayed despite a 27-month layoff from tennis.
He had seen the venomous gleam in the Wasp's eyes, displaying itself despite the magnifying glasses.
The nation's economy displayed resilience in September despite two devastating hurricanes and surging energy costs, economic reports released yesterday show.
Overall, in vivo therapy, displays the greatest effectiveness despite its high dropout rates; there are some exceptions however.
These informal social sanctions display potency despite competing values in a changing society.
The nation's employers displayed an unexpected reluctance in November to hire more workers, despite the improving economy and rising demand for what they sell.