The collection is permanently displayed in the building that bears her name.
Over 80 pieces of artwork have been chosen by the steering group to be displayed in the building.
Since 1967 it has been open to the public and the museum curators have collected many of Haynes original inventions to display in the building.
Currently his portrait is displayed in the building of the Cortes Generales.
The old works are displayed in the main building.
One of these was that three rooms from the Hutton Castle should be displayed in the building chosen to house the collection.
And because the wood is cedar, visitors can locate 13 pieces displayed in the building simply by following their noses.
Except that day, it is displayed in the east building of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.
His former home in Changzhou is a protected property open to the public, offering numerous artifacts from his life displayed in the restored building.
One of his early renderings is displayed in the building today.