Quickly, he begins displaying indications of video game addiction.
Amanda displayed indications of guilt and remorse in her actions, as she had a nightmare of one of her victims in a deleted scene in the director's cut of Saw III.
These comments certainly apply if a series is being sexed, but if only one or two long bones (or fragments) are available, it may be difficult to draw any conclusions unless the bone displays very clear indications of maleness or femaleness (Boyd & Trevor, 1953).
Certainly, it has a youthful charm while at the same time displaying indications of the skills Elgar developed as he progressed towards musical maturity.
He was described as being of doubtful sanity, having a persecution complex and displaying strong indications of paranoid schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur.
Vast internal changes, the rejection of the Hohokam ballcourt system, and the Peripheries' displaying overt indications of belligerence towards the Core Area, followed by their cultural realignment, suggests that this was a very important episode.
The hour had now grown late, and His Majesty had begun to display indications of fatigue.
Eric Millar reasons that the manuscript was made for Sir Geoffrey Luttrell around 1335-1340, before the death of his wife Agnes Sutton, because the illustrations display indications of the "late 'decadence' of the Late East Anglian style".
The spectrum of the area had been measured at this time, and displayed indications of carbon matter, possibly C gas.
They help prevent dispatchers and operators from causing accidents, both by informing them of track occupancy and by preventing signals from displaying unsafe indications.