There was covert opposition to these measures from the older departmental heads, who displayed considerable ingenuity in discovering reasons why staff should not be released.
In following this practice they displayed bravery and ingenuity; what they did not display, however, was Kirk's almost supernatural luck.
Nari's works display highly skilled craftsmanship and structural ingenuity.
Qi Jiguang displayed extraordinary valor and military ingenuity during the battle, which eventually saw the defeat of the invaders.
Dr. Begleiter, also displaying ingenuity and determination, was attacking the question of inheritance from a different perspective.
Men displayed great ingenuity in arranging such things.
In geometry they "displayed considerable ingenuity and neatness in the solution of riders."
Mr. Kuby did not waste time in displaying millennial ingenuity.
Ms. Sheinkin displays remarkable ingenuity in exploiting the structure dictated by the rules for comic fodder.
Many of the churches displayed extraordinary ingenuity in their construction.