Co-parents can grow moustaches to display their status or to show they have experience raising children.
The figure, in the Luba style, is designed to display his new royal status.
Only the freeborn men of Astapor are permitted to wear garments called tokars, whose fringes display their status.
The country club allows you to display your status and to confine that status to your own kind.
Dialog boxes also display their status on the taskbar.
The outer gatehouse was a later addition to the moated residence beyond and was built to display the family's status and wealth.
Here the idea is that a mobbing bird, by apparently putting itself at risk, displays its status and health so as to be preferred by potential partners.
Soon each one stood before a different duty station, manipulating controls that were merely symbols to display the ship's status.
The Administration official said the two countries had opposed United States positions as a "politically correct" means of displaying their status as emerging world powers.
The upper class prominently displayed their social status in art and literature.