The school has displayed good performance in the public exams and has in several occasions had 100% pass results.
As the XP-72 displayed exceptional performance during flight tests, an order for 100 production aircraft was awarded.
In recent lab testing of M855, it has been shown that the bullets do not fragment reliably or consistently from round-to-round, displaying widely variable performance.
It displays contemporary visual, performance and sound art.
Specific relevant molecular functional groups of LC-molecules are identified and correlated with material properties and display performance.
Modacrylics display high performance when it comes to appearance retention.
Despite the engine problems, the Siskin displayed good performance and handling, outmatching its Dragonfly-powered contemporaries.
As Harlem Academy gains attention and continues to display high academic performance, application has become more competitive.
The resulting aircraft displayed disappointing performance.
Of mixed steel tube and wood construction the lightweight I-26 displayed promising performance and was produced as the Yak-1.