Instead of being embarrassed by its age, Xoma displayed placards from its ceilings last year celebrating its 25th year in business.
Police had told local organizers they could march in Sétif only if they did not display nationalist flags or placards.
Some carried ANC flags and displayed placards urging the release of the two, who are on death row in Transkei.
In 2001, dozens of faculty members protested President Bush's commencement address at Yale, his alma mater, and students displayed placards that took issue with his administration.
Under the Traffic Act, police permits were required to have marches or meetings, even to display placards, and permits could be refused without reason.
They chanted slogans and displayed placards calling for an independent Palestinian state.
They said they were merely being vigilant over their elected officials by tape-recording their proceedings and exercising their First Amendment rights by displaying placards.
Outside the courthouse, demonstrators displayed placards and chanted support for Mr. Gotti for more than two hours.
(Several Members protest loudly and display banners and placards.)
At a raucous meeting with Community Board 3 last week, both sides displayed placards and gave passionate testimony.