At that time, the breed displayed greater variation than it does today with white, dark brown and mulberry beasts.
It appears that the designs on the assarion changed annually, hence they display great variations.
Conus mazei is a very consistent species, displaying little variation throughout its range.
All architectural elements display slight variations from the right angle, individually calculated for each block.
The city's climate displays four very distinct seasons and great variation in temperatures over very short periods of time.
It is thus virtually identical to salo, which also displays similar variation in meat-to-fat ratio.
The species displays much variation in size: wingspan ranges between 45 mm and 56 mm.
At previous balls, in the figure, 'all hands round,' Freda had displayed an inimitable step and variation peculiarly her own.
The star also appears to display rapid variation in luminosity, possibly due to changes in the starspots.
Luminous blue variables are a class of highly luminous hot stars that display characteristic spectral variation.