LEAD: Although more hitting in general is good for fan enjoyment, the disproportionate increase in home run production only lessens its impact and drama.
Every year has seen the disproportionate increase until now.
The possibility of an extension to 12 miles has fuelled Turkish concerns over a possible disproportionate increase in Greek-controlled space.
Will the money prompt a disproportionate increase in donation among the poor, injecting further economic imbalance into a system that is already skewed in favor of the wealthy?
The causes for the disproportionate increase in the suburbs are still unclear.
If indeed there has been a disproportionate increase in depression among men, Dr. Klerman suggested socioeconomic factors as a prominent cause.
He added, "It is fundamental to the airlines' pricing model that traffic be concentrated in hubs," which accounts for a disproportionate increase in congestion at major airports.
As for the disproportionate increase in the suburbs, experts said the causes were not clear.
Making travel safer will not necessarily reduce the number of casualties if there is a disproportionate increase in the amount of travel.
They are equally aware that achieving the last few percentage points in performance of ten causes a disproportionate increase in costs.