Despite rank and pay reform, it is still very common to see a disproportionate level of senior-ranking officers within the police force.
They showed through a combination of emotive argument and hard statistical data that the South had long held a disproportionate level of power within the nation.
There is a disproportionate level of foreclosures in some minority neighborhoods.
We already have a disproportionate level of respiratory diseases and cancers on Long Island.
There was a disproportionate level of foreclosures in some immigrant neighborhoods.
Over all, the report found that property taxes consume a disproportionate level of New Yorkers' income, 28 percent higher than the national average.
They suffer from disproportionate levels of poverty in relation to the general population and most of them lack citizenship cards.
Why is the public sector bailing out the banks, and taking a disproportionate level of cuts?
At the same time, Israel must scale down its disproportionate levels of violence, to which innocent children and citizens fall victim.
Trans people encounter a disproportionate level of violence in prison, particularly sexual violence.