Because the state made money, the system created incentives for the jailing of more men, who were disproportionately black.
Rather than portraying this as a racial issue, although prisoners are disproportionately black, it should be considered a values issue.
These workers are disproportionately black, Hispanic and female.
They were disproportionately black or Hispanic.
He noted in an interview that the nation's jail population is disproportionately black.
The majority of "black" students never have attended a school that was not disproportionately black.
The victims were white and wealthy; murder victims are disproportionately black and poor.
If America were to attack the reasons for the underclass's existence, the beneficiaries would be disproportionately black.
Since those executed under Swift and Sure were disproportionately black, Roswell was indeed useful.
Those serving time under the laws are disproportionately black and Hispanic.