Some disputed provisions mandate trade retaliation by the President.
While some lawmakers advocate stripping the disputed provisions from the bill to improve its chances, others are not certain that can happen.
The first of the disputed provisions would bar the export of pesticides that are unlawful to use in the United States.
The disputed provisions, and there are many, are hardly immutable.
This disputed provision would let banks package their farm loans and sell them as securities to the investing public.
Defying party leaders, he had led the fight to strip the disputed provisions from the bill.
Sheriff Dooley agreed the new ombudsman role was one of the more disputed provisions of the agreement.
But the plan could easily founder because of opposition to any one of many hotly disputed provisions in the broader energy bill.
The most disputed provision in the bill involves the agency's regulation of medical devices.
In negotiations, Republicans and Democrats on the conference committee removed the two disputed provisions.