Tilden's lawyers maintain that he was plainly elected in the disputed states but that later "jugglery" denied him the election.
Louisiana during Reconstruction was one of the most politically turbulent and disputed states.
Malaysia considers the amount an annual cession payment for the disputed state, while the sultan's descendants consider it "rent."
However, up until this point the separatists had not kidnapped anybody outside of the disputed state.
The three disputed states sent in two sets of electoral returns, each showing a different winner.
Each of the four disputed states was referred to the special commission.
The Karakoram is situated in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Lee was pleased at how well both sides held to their pledges of keeping soldiers out of the disputed states.
Lashkar's primary target is the disputed Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.
"You truly would not mind if the disputed states chose the Union over us, would you, sir?"