Haplo had the disquieting feeling that someone had, with a breath, extinguished his magic.
The disquieting feeling of waiting for a comparative stranger to tell him about his own child.
She stopped trying to fight it, to stand, and the alarm eased, but the disquieting, extrinsic feeling didn't.
He had the disquieting feeling that something was happening that he needed to be aware of.
The author feels uneasy as an American in Baghdad, though he describes only "a strange, disquieting feeling" rather than a more reflective response.
The disquieting feeling crept back into her consciousness.
In no other way could she describe that odd, disquieting feeling that nibbled at the edge of her inner awareness.
She had a disquieting feeling the extra bits on his suit were weapons.
It must be the summer air that affects me with feelings almost as disquieting as they are refreshing.
"I have the disquieting feeling that she wouldn't have disagreed with a single word you said today."