During the feud, Boss Man showed up at Big Show's father's funeral, made some disrespectful remarks, then chained the casket to the back of his car and drove off.
But union leaders yesterday said they foresee a hard time negotiating with the mayor in the future because of what they considered disrespectful remarks in dismissing their proposals to save money and avert layoffs.
Accusations Against the Mayor Opponents accused Mayor Boyle of meddling in police affairs, of being "soft" on drunken driving and making disrespectful remarks.
Some of the townspeople shouted and made disrespectful remarks.
The sergeant said Detective Adler, who joined the department in 1964, was also accused of making other "disrespectful racial remarks concerning minority supervisors."
Fred will often make disrespectful remarks towards Rollo, usually stating that he thinks Rollo is a criminal, as Rollo had spent time in jail.
During the meeting the king became so enraged by Rodrigo's "disrespectful remarks" that he seized him by the throat and they both fell from their horses.
With an ugly backlash and plans for a boycott growing, the group issued a humiliating public apology for "disrespectful" anti-Bush remarks made by its lead singer, Natalie Maines.
In July 2010, a trader in Faisalabad complained that one of his employees had been handed a pamphlet which contained disrespectful remarks about Muhammad.
Bermúdez, who excels as a journalist, nevertheless is regarded as an annoying person, who tends to make disrespectful remarks and jokes, especially toward women.