Though some protesters openly hoped to disrupt normal business here, they were far outnumbered by the police.
This is so as not to disrupt business at City Hall.
Already, a few malicious attacks have shut down corporate Internet phone networks, disrupting business at a cost of millions of dollars.
Manufacturers worry that even an increase of 5 percent in their prices could seriously disrupt business.
They disrupt business, sending paying customers home and criticize Giles's selection of merchandise.
Colonel Pagano said the demonstrators were removed from the building because they had disrupted business in the Governor's office.
So many calls were received, the network said, that it disrupted normal business.
We no longer need to disrupt business as usual; we've made that point.
There were long unloading delays, disrupting business and virtually halting the flow of seafood to local restaurants.
They're totally unreliable, the way they conduct their drugs trade is disrupting business for all of us.