Thus, pericytes play a critical role in assuring that harmful chemicals do not enter the brain and disrupt neurological function.
Instead, they cause incorrect folding (disrupting function) or disable intracellular transport.
Often senescent toxins disrupt mitotic function and lead to incorrectly formed nuclei.
An organism might inflict ecocide directly by killing enough species in an ecosystem to disrupt its structure and function.
And several common oral bacteria can initiate the formation of blood clots and disrupt cardiac function.
It has been associated with the incidence of cancer and hepatic disorders, and it severely disrupts hormonal function.
Neural stem cells that are transplanted are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and integrate themselves into the host's brain without disrupting normal function.
In some cases, single missense mutations in p53 have been shown to disrupt p53 stability and function.
This slows the messages being sent along those nerves and disrupts normal function.
Virus - Virus DNA may be inserted into the genome and disrupts genetic function.