Our official goal was to disrupt the flow of cocaine over the Mexican border.
Harry Kim are forced to leave the program running when spatial distortions trap the ship and disrupt their control over the computer.
In article 5 the two governments undertook not to disrupt one another's control over its territories.
She will not disrupt herself over deaths she does not see.
Engi tried to disrupt my wedding Ningal over this cup; what other reaslon could the god have had?
His actions are almost certainly illegal and can only disrupt the important debate over physician-assisted suicide.
If so, there is an increased risk of a single point of failure that could disrupt service over an entire system or line.
Ultimately he had four hits and scored two runs to disrupt the obsession in Boston over his slump.
But few officials were willing to discuss the matter for fear of disrupting the talks over the incentive package.
The timing of the announcement was ironic, coming as it did the day after a communications satellite failed, disrupting beeper service all over the nation.