In 2006, ethnic Russians took to the streets to disrupt preparations for Nato-led naval exercises off Crimea.
The departure of the manager during this crucial time threatened to disrupt preparations for the coming season, and the board moved quickly to install Peter Shirtliff (Barker's assistant) as caretaker manager for the beginning of the season.
Instead, he decided upon an attack on Fort Meigs, to disrupt American preparations for a summer campaign and hopefully capture supplies.
The planned circuit will run in and around the Sochi Olympic Park, which led to the IOC expressing concern that construction of the circuit could disrupt preparations for the Olympic Games.
An adviser to the government, Avi Pazner, said the Palestinian Authority headed by Yasir Arafat had given "an apparent green light for terrorism," perhaps in hopes of disrupting American preparations for a possible war on Iraq.
Members of the Jewish leadership, saying the parade will disrupt preparations for a solemn religious observance, asked the police to intercede with Caribbean-American residents to hold the event a day earlier.
He regarded them as a waste of time, and they disrupted preparations against southern France (Case Red).
With the Battle of Britain underway, the Command was ordered to disrupt German preparations for Operation Sea Lion.
The International Olympic Committee has cautioned that it will use its power to delay the race until 2015 if it feels that construction of the circuit and facilities disrupt preparations for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.
Morshead and other senior army officers were concerned that the dispute could disrupt preparations for the Australian landings in Borneo and consulted with Kenney on the matter.