Under certain environmental conditions, it says, this disruption can result in mental illness.
Such a disruption could result from the aircraft being at an unusual angle, he said.
It has suffered many deaths and social disruption resulting from the 20-year civil war within the region during the late 20th century.
Even a small disruption, like a fire or maintenance mishap, could quickly result in a temporary price spike.
Technical and personal disruptions result in changes in the indirect production costs.
The disruption in the norm at the two jails resulted from a dispute over the meaning of the stay.
The social disruption resulted in adversely and dramatically affecting the indigenous populations.
However disruption of the ifkA gene resulted in several defects during the first few hours of development.
Telephone company officials were at a loss to explain what precisely started the problem, but said they did not believe the disruption resulted from computer "hackers."
A. There is the possibility that some more serious disruption of oil supplies could result in much more significant rises in prices.