As a partial solution, Lomborg presents fish farms, which cause a less disruptive impact on the world's oceans.
The First World War (1914-1918) had a disruptive impact on economic development.
A mounting backlash against its effects, especially in the industrial democracies, is threatening a very disruptive impact on economic activity and social stability in many countries.
It may thus be observed that there is a 'trade-off between the disciplinary effect of takeovers and their disruptive impact on investment and long-term growth'.
The moral issues that divide communities in Midwestern novels have the same disruptive impact as class and race conflicts in Southern cities.
Just like a tsunami, analysts warn that rapid nanotechnology-driven change will necessarily have profound disruptive impacts.
A disruptive, perhaps a destructive impact on society.
But even in simple cases, it can have a disruptive impact on the snorer's household.
But Washington argues that the community's program of export subsidies has an immediate and disruptive impact on world trade.
Today, with carbon dioxide levels at three hundred and eighty-five parts per million, the disruptive impacts of climate change are already apparent.