We have been to great lengths to resolve this case in the least disruptive manner possible.
Uncompetitive industries were eliminated and overmanning was reduced, but in a such a sudden and disruptive manner as to cause economic chaos.
In the example shown above, the upper image appears (in a visually disruptive manner) to spill out from the screen, with the distant mountains appearing at the surface of the screen.
But the problem more often manifests itself in a different, subtler and ultimately more disruptive manner, creating thousands of illegal apartments and pockets of mild poverty on otherwise middle-class streets.
But even if the work is done in the least disruptive manner, it may take San Francisco up to 30 years to complete the task, Mr. Prowler said.
Their employers then hired a replacement work force with a "diversity of views," which prevented them from getting together enough to act in such a disruptive manner.
Chemical insecticides were to be used in manner least disruptive to biological control.
Police may use a disorderly conduct charge to keep the peace when people are behaving in a disruptive manner to themselves or others, but otherwise present no serious public danger.
"It would be a shame if a few use this joyous occasion to bash the Police Department in a disruptive manner."
Jadine was severely warned in the boardroom, after openly admitting to behaving in a disruptive manner during the task because she didn't believe Naomi was a good leader.