The Cardigans understand the sentiments they distrust, and while the music is nonchalant, it doesn't underestimate love's disruptive power.
Vega's new songs acknowledge the disruptive power of desire.
Disturbed by the disruptive power of cinema, the Shah's advisors meet to discuss how to censor this dangerous medium.
They warned corporate managers of the disruptive power of technology, and urged them to embrace it.
Technology exacerbates the effects of crowding because it puts increased disruptive powers in people's hands.
While Little Richard's songs may have seemed more startling in the button-down mid-1950's, they haven't lost their disruptive power.
The disruptive power of this small group was growing by leaps and bounds.
The revolution of 1905 had made plain the disruptive power of the industrial labour force.
Maybe this current plague should be taken as a sign of the disruptive power of climate change.
Undeniable displays of power, disruptive and overwhelming.