Results from further studies show that dissociative symptoms increase the frequency of ataque de nervios.
Of 154 people who had lost homes or were otherwise threatened by the fire, about a third reacted at the time with dissociative symptoms.
Experiencing dissociative symptoms was four times stronger a predictor of future problems than a harrowing encounter with the fire, Dr. Spiegel said.
Derealization, a dissociative symptom that could account for the Oz effect.
People with dissociative symptoms usually do not suffer from delusions, however, and they can discuss their symptoms rationally, though they are befuddled by them.
When severe sexual abuse (penetration, several perpetrators, lasting more than one year) had occurred, dissociative symptoms were even more prominent.
Further research into the manifestation of dissociative symptoms and vulnerability throughout development is needed.
Abused and neglected children learn early to cut themselves off from horror and, when they grow up, are susceptible to dissociative symptoms.
Under intense stress patients with BPD may exhibit transient dissociative or paranoid symptoms.
It is a dissociative symptom of many conditions, such as psychiatric and neurological disorders, and not a standalone disorder.