Anconeus: originates from the distal side of the caudalr humerus, inserts into the lateral side of the olecranon.
The oral shield is pentagonal to lozenge shaped, with the 2 proximal sides indented and the distal sides convex.
Along the mesial and distal sides are slightly raised portions called marginal ridges.
As a result, the mesial and distal sides of the tooth are further away on the labial side than on the lingual side.
The proximal margin is well defined and somewhat curved and the distal side is straight and diffuse.
The postmedial line is suffused with many brown scales on the distal side.
The upper part of the lips has a small notch on the distal side, while the lower lip are tall and lack inner lobes.
It had small fore legs and large hind legs, especially at the distal side (that further from the body).
It is found on the distal lingual side of the tooth.
The distal side of the incision should allow complete dissection of the tendon of the biceps.