Also, the distances involved on the ranch intrigued her.
Botswana has a relatively small population of just over 2 million but the distances involved are great.
The second best thing about space travel is that the distances involved make war very difficult, usually impractical, and almost always unnecessary.
In both cases the exact distance involved has yet to be established.
It looks so much like something you could reach out and touch, but the distances involved are beyond what we can comfortably imagine.
Many black families had to withdraw their children because of the distance involved or the added cost.
The large distances involved would frequently cause big communication problems for Kenyan teams.
Of course, the distances involved make a rescue mission out of the question.
Is he remote, viewing from a safe distance, or really involved?
Assumptions would need to be made about the distances involved and the size of the people in the photograph, but reasonable estimates are possible.