His office occupies a small rented room within walking distance of his home.
I was looking for a good family destination within easy driving distance of our home in southwestern Connecticut.
I decided to take the ferry from New Jersey as it would land within walking distance of her home.
Both schools are also located within a short driving distance of Blanche's home in Atlanta.
Would you rather know exactly how much acid, chlorine gas and so on are within walking distance of your home?
So the whole period on call, within short distance of her home was working time.
She announced a few weeks later that she had found a part-time job at a small office within walking distance of our home.
She had a second job at the Old Country Buffet, in another shopping center, also within walking distance of her home.
Our offices were within walking distance of our home so that we could eat three meals a day in each other's company.
The jobless homeowner looks for jobs within commuting distance of his home.