Faintly she heard a distant but growing clamor throughout the great monastery.
In all, she was not sorry when the distant clamor of voices and carts announced that they were nearing Marakir.
There was noise ahead of me, a distant, raucous clamor and a roar of music.
We could hear the distant clamor of battalions moving to bar retreat into the forest.
The murmur of echoed voices grew to a distant clamor as their conduit joined up with another.
The distant clamor of that disturbance was still going on.
The distant clamor of battle came closer.
It was a retreat withdrawn from the distant clamor of the city.
She moved it away from her, closing it off to where it was only a quiet, distant clamor rather than an overwhelming wave.
For most, Presidential politics was a distant clamor.