The sound that made Dwight halt was the distant clank of an elevator door.
They crouched opposite each other, the swords flashed aloft in the moonlight; from far away came the distant clank of steel, a soft, continual clamour of iron on iron.
From the depths of the earth at their feet came the distant clank of metal tool on living rock.
At ground level, Alestron's streets lay wrapped in fog and night silence, but for the distant clank of sheep Is bells and the intermittent tramp of the night sentries.
Peering through the crack, she saw a dimly lit stairwell, then heard the distant clank of a heavy door closing.
Sansa heard the distant clank of chains from outside; the portcullis was being drawn up.
The human base was so close that they could hear the distant clank of machinery, but it remained invisible in the mist.
Faintly echoing through the ship came the sound Miles had been waiting for—the distant clanks and hisses of airseal doors shutting down, sealing the ship into airtight sections.
A distant clank of keys.
Presently Decoud felt a light tremor of the floor and a distant clank of iron.