Progress and improvement continue with great enthusiasm reflecting the spirit of adventure of those early missionaries who set sail for distant climes.
I had an exultant sense of being bound for mysterious lands and distant climes which I never have felt in so uplifting a degree since.
He revolted at the idea of languishing in idleness at Paris, while fresh laurels were growing for him in distant climes.
This reputation continues through today in a cultural diversity that has since spread to a worldwide level thanks to Paris' continued reputation for culinary finesse and further immigration from increasingly distant climes.
He filled Europe with posters, advertisements and prospectuses of a colossal scheme and obtained money from the most distant climes.
A letter will be more than welcome in this distant clime where I have a box at the post-office - generally, I regret to say, empty.
You are going out, Micawber, to this distant clime, to strengthen, not to weaken, the connexion between yourself and Albion.
The Empire carried the English language to distant climes.
In some distant foreign clime.
"National Geographic" comes home tonight, bringing the skills honed in distant climes and among exotic peoples to an exploration of America's most famous building.