The plump man studied the distant clump of grass thoughtfully.
Tonto muttered something in his native tongue, and solehimly watched the tall rider as he cut south from the trail to disappear in a distant clump of cottonwoods.
Turning her head, she saw the distant clump of gorse on the hillside and how the iridescent cloud of flies glittered around it in the early sun.
HoboCo didn't look like much from the road, just a distant clump of pods and domes, with a few scattered lights here and there.
They came to a gate, beyond which a rutted lane ran between low hedges towards a distant clump of trees.
He could number the fields in every direction, and could tell how many trees there were in the most distant clump.
She looked in vain for landmarks, but the fields all looked alike, with distant clumps of trees, all looking the same as each other.
Henga fired his revolver twice at a distant clump of bushes.
He fixed his eye upon a distant and prominent clump of trees where he had concluded the enemy were to be met, and he ran toward it as toward a goal.
Beyond it a rutted lane ran between low well-laid hedges towards a distant clump of trees.