First it was a distant din and thrill of something unthinkable on the horizon of the crowd, even beyond the castle.
Taggart cringed as the crump of mortars joined the distant din.
She skipped nimbly up into a stately elm and turned toward the distant din of battle.
There was no sign of life on the palisade above, only the distant din of the Durotriges drinking themselves into a stupor.
He heard again the distant din that had awakened him-the faint hooting, and the low mumble of far voices.
He could make out the distant din of screams and smashing glass and gunfire from beyond the thick walls of his stronghold, faint at first, but growing perceptibly louder-and closer-with each second.
They woke to sound: a distant din, as of a large animal tearing branches and crunching leaves.
I listened to attendant noises coming on gradually - the scuffles and grunts and curses of men near at hand, a more distant din of shod feet moving at the double, shouted commands.
It was a long march back to Qohor, however, and as they approached they saw the smoke and dust and heard the distant din of battle.
An indefinable roar surged up over the city, a distant, many-voiced din.