Apart from the distant growl and roar of the machines, the forest was silent.
She ignored the distant growl of thunder, and the occasional flicker of lightning against the rock in front of her.
They could both hear the distant growl of the crowd down in the port; the newly arrived lvets being hunted down and killed.
But the heat had intensified, tenfold it seemed, and what sounded like a distant growl soon reminded Cadderly that his path neared its end.
This time it was Chekov's voice in her ear, a distant growl through the static.
The air was fresh, silent save for a distant growl of traffic, a rustle of leaves over her head.
Coyote thought he heard a distant growl now, a far-off and muted thunder that might be almost anything.
"Hurry, before anyone else--" A distant growl and thump interrupted her.
They sat a moment in silence, listening to the distant growl of the eruption.