A little later, his helmet echoed to a distant gunshot.
The sound of the distant gunshot was nearly lost in the tiger's roar of pain.
He paused, listening to the echo of a distant gunshot.
Rumors flew that one side or the other was about to attack, and distant gunshots sent the amateur soldiers diving for cover.
He had heard several distant gunshots, but that sort of thing was not uncommon, and they had made no impression upon him.
A few hours ago, I went to sleep to the sound of distant gunshots, crackers and shouting.
Her left hand whipped into his cheek, the slap sounding like a distant gunshot.
Something clanged off the metal behind him, and Booly heard the report of a distant gunshot.
All the rest of the day we were accompanied by distant gunshots.
The sound was harsh, like a distant gunshot.