The flash repeated at uneven intervals, almost as if the distant mountaintop were speaking to her.
Then she strode briskly toward a table beneath a large picture window framing distant mountaintops.
A growing uneasiness began to run through the crowd as no glowing sign rose above the distant mountaintops.
It will be faint, but you will know it, like the feel of a distant mountaintop on a summer day.
Imagine a neighbor's garage in front of a breathtaking view of a distant mountaintop.
His voice died away in a weary murmur, and he turned to look again at the distant mountaintops beyond the fringe of tall elms.
Blinding daylight crowned the peaks of distant mountaintops just above the horizon.
The sky grew darker and swallowed the jagged silhouette of distant mountaintops.
Occasionally we'd wave to other campers on the trail or study a distant mountaintop through my binoculars.
The sun was just a minute from leaving the top of the distant mountaintop.