It may have originally formed on a more distant orbit as an icy planet that then migrated closer to its star.
For most of its 4.5 billion-year lifetime, Wild 2 probably had a more distant and circular orbit.
Walter, to fly about her on my stiff and distant orbit, unswervingly, for ever.
The distant orbit helped reduce light noise from zodiacal dust.
The irregular satellites are substantially smaller objects with more distant and eccentric orbits.
Also, do you plan a landing, a near orbit, or a distant orbit?
Pluto will return to its usual, more distant orbit in the year 2113.
It is believed that for most of its 4.5 billion-year lifetime, Wild 2 had a more distant and circular orbit.
The enemy fleet still hung in distant orbit, permitting the expedition room for passage.
The bolt can devour mountains or split rock on planets in distant orbits.