The distant riders reined northward up through the timber and were lost to sight.
He stood wide-eyed staring at the six riders five yards distant, shadowy and sinister as they studied his camp.
Nan said, "The only place he has," and watched the distant rider until her husband jerked his head.
It took him a moment or two to train the cumbersome instrument, then he managed to trap the distant rider in the lens.
Instantly the other was at his side and together they peered at the distant rider moving rapidly toward them.
Suddenly Perrin realized what the bright colors on the distant rider meant.
The highwayman struggled to a sitting position and looked at the distant rider.
Then, in the great stillness, Vanye heard the coming of distant riders.
Arghun held it high over his head so even the most distant rider could see it.
Between the distant riders and our shelter there was open country, covered only with the tall grass.