It was a distant roaring of an immense volume.
He grew aware of a distant roaring, wondered if it was a sound in his own ears.
And behind this, a more distant, pervasive roaring, a great, hushed, endless movement.
He heard a distant roaring and picked up speed.
When he concentrated, the inner ear of terror could hear a distant roaring.
There was a distant roaring, and the faint snort-growl of missiles being fired from the range.
"Then it was-" June stopped as a dull, distant roaring came to them.
There was a distant roaring in my ears, and the ground seemed to be trembling beneath me.
When people stand along the high railings, they can hear the distant unmistakable roaring of the drills working.
The sound was like the distant roaring of Sphinxes with indigestion.