But even distant rumblings of war quickly drown out this rosy view.
Two very loud explosions were heard and were followed by distant rumblings.
The air was humid with uncertainties, electrified by the distant rumblings of a coming turbulence.
Maybe his panic attacks at the first distant rumblings had been his way of telling us that Florida's violent thunderstorms, the deadliest in the country, were not to be dismissed with a shrug.
There were no fires, no explosions, and only faint distant rumblings as it fell.
Already he could hear the distant rumblings of falling snow.
Lightning flashes were mere reflections, with thunder following long moments after as distant rumblings.
She could not see the river from here, but she could hear its distant rumblings, a movement of rocks.
And there were other noises, low and distant rumblings, that made him think of amphitheaters full of chattering crowds.
Needless to say, the streets and adjacent highways are clogged with traffic, sewers are overburdened and there are distant rumblings about a future bond issue for a new school.