Two distant silhouettes passed in front of the big, bright moon.
I sit in my room by candlelight, the distant black silhouettes of land through the window strangely calming.
Nothing but the distant silhouettes of Actionland's skyline were familiar.
She had been there every daylight hour for the last three days, keepingwatch on the distant silhouette of the Seraph as she rode at anchor.
Beyond the crates, she made out what looked like offices, yellow light outlining the distant silhouette of a person behind a frosted-glass window.
The cover shows a distant, desolate silhouette at night walking on train tracks toward a tunnel.
Now they continued arm in arm toward the distant silhouette of Mother.
"He's a charming, distant silhouette," he said.
One of them had penetrated the secrecy and was approaching beyond the distant skeletal silhouette of the helicopter, through the open field of high grass.
He stood there at the stern rail until the great massif of Table Mountain was only a distant blue silhouette against the evening sky.