A weak drizzle smeared the wide panes behind his desk, blurring the crisp lines of the distant skyscrapers.
At that point Karr abandoned the spiral search pattern and banked inland, closing on a landmark that looked like distant skyscrapers.
Even the distant skyscrapers, like the one he had walked down from - their tops were lower than where he stood.
A flight of falsetto harmony, as shimmery as the haze veiling downtown's distant skyscrapers, soars above the thump of fuzz-tone bass and fills the car with romantic yearning.
Far to the east in Greenwich, a borough's worth of schoolchildren celebrate their unexpected day off by tobogganing down from the Royal Observatory, the distant skyscrapers of Canary Wharf barely visible through the grey murk.
Skyscrapers at a Distance And on the waterside patio of the Boathouse Cafe, diners soak up the views of distant skyscrapers rising above the Lake and trees.
"If you turn your back on the tall buildings," said Ms. Singleton, referring to distant skyscrapers, "you would think you're back in time."
Thus she writes of a sunset, as experienced by a man in an uncurtained apartment: "The red needle of a distant skyscraper was reflected in the sink, and a blue flame fell on the face of my watch.
An architectural delight is "Caryatid" (1952), the view beyond a closeup of a 19th-century ornamental statue high on a building showing a jumble of distant skyscrapers.
Thus (17) might refer to, say, a lawful action and a distant skyscraper.