Already the chopper was out of sight, its sounds a distant thumping upon the night.
A faint, distant thumping could be heard from the depths of the house.
They have heard the distant thumping of discos and have seen empty buildings turned into shiny coffee bars.
It sounded like distant thumping.
There had been distant thumpings which, he eventually decided, must have been Charlie moving his thousand kilos of muscle around the fields.
All the nomes were used to the distant thumping and murmuring of the humans during the long daylight hours, so they didn't notice it.
Then it came: low, distant thumping.
A shell burst dimly a long way off, a dull and distant thumping.
On the ground, Jevy heard the distant thumping of the chopper.
But there was a distant thumping under the ground.